

It’s Hunting Season – That’s the Good News!

It’s Hunting Season – That’s the Good News!

It’s Hunting Season
That’s the good news! The weather cools and you know it’s time for hunting and football — two of my favorite things. The only disheartening thing about this time of year is that, more often than not, the market goes down in September and October. The difficulty is that it doesn’t do it consistently, which is why we can’t just step out of the way.

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Settling Down

Settling Down

Settling Down September is typically tough. The market finally gave in to the bad news that had been stalking it all year: inflation. This is, of course, thanks to COVID-19, continuing global supply chain disruptions, rising energy prices, stalled fiscal and...

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Halftime Review 2021

Halftime Review 2021

Halftime Review Our clients’ long-term investment plans reaped significant gains in 2020 and have continued to be rewarded in 2021. Most importantly, they continue to make progress toward their financial goals. This quarter ended with markets near all-time highs. This...

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The Last 13 Months

The Last 13 Months

The last 13 months were like nothing I have ever seen.
To remind you of the journey we have traveled together, here are excerpts from my articles in our 2020 newsletters.

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Reversal in Q1 2021

Reversal in Q1 2021

In the first quarter of 2021, we saw assets that did well in 2020 (i.e., bonds and “pandemic” stocks) start performing poorly. While areas that struggled last year (i.e., value and cyclical stocks) are now performing the best. Whether this trend continues remains to be seen.

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The Lessons of 2020

The Lessons of 2020

The Lessons of 2020
After managing money for 30-plus years, I thought I had seen it all. I managed investments through the 1987 Crash, the 1998 Asian Crisis, the 2000 Tech Crash and the 2008 Financial Panic.

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